How many eBay “Top Rated Sellers” are there?

I’ve sourced information about the number of eBay top rated sellers from various publications online and came up with several estimations:

Getting to the number of “top rated” sellers is quite tricky as eBay doesn’t provide this information in any of their public reports nor do they provide information on the number of sellers they have.

There are very few sources online that provide any kind of information about the number of active eBay sellers.

However, I managed to find one which was a study conducted in 2006 by ACNielsen on behalf of eBay which found that approximately 1.3 million sellers around the world use eBay as their primary or secondary source of income. Let’s take this number as an anchor and try to calculate the number of eBay sellers if they grew in the same rate that B2C global eCommerce grew between 2005 and 2015 (10 years): the CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of global B2C eCommerce is around 20%. Taking this into account, the number of eBay sellers should be around 8 million by 2014. Note that, if we take a CAGR of 25%, the number would jump to 12 million.

Now to your question: you are looking for the “top rated” sellers only, let’s say that 5% of all sellers are top rated, the number of “top rated” sellers would be anywhere between 400K to 600K.

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